Exhibition Open Call
Hyde Bridge Gallery
The Hyde Bridge Gallery invites proposals for the 2024 Exhibition Programme.
Applications from emerging artists, curators, collectives and arts organisations, for solo or group shows are welcome. Applications are invited from emerging artists and amateur artists working in various media/disciplines. Any work by amateur/emerging artists should have developmental potential towards a professional career.
The closing date for applications is: Monday Dec 4th
Artists will be notified with the results a month later.
How to Apply:
Please submit by email to: hydebridgegallery@gmail.com
- Completed application form (pdf or word file)
- Artist CV / bio
- Attach up to 8 good quality images of recent work numbered 1-10 and your name (eg 1. W.B. Yeats. 2. W.B. Yeats etc.) 2d images should be jpeg, 1 to 2mb each. Video works submit a link.
Download Open Call Application Form
The closing date for applications is Monday 4th December 2023.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Due to unfortunate funding restraints the Gallery must charge a fee for exhibitions.
This year’s exhibition fee will be €420 per show with a further 10% commission due on sales. Rental fees charged go towards the day to day running of the gallery.
Artists are required to install and take down their own work. Programme planning, curation and assistance is carried out by gallery committee members who are working artists, volunteering to support the work of the gallery.
Exhibition period is 3- 4 weeks which includes time for installation and take down.
Enquiries tel: 071 9142693 or email: hydebridgegallery@gmail.com